[J1] Y . Li, Y .Guo, M .Alazab, S .Chen , C. Shen, K .Yu , “Joint Optimal Quantization and Aggregation of Federated Learning Scheme in VANETs,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,pp.1-12, 2022, (SCI一区) [J2] S. Chen, L. Zhang, Y. Tang, C. Shen, “Dynamic Aggregation for Heterogeneous Quantization in Federated Learning,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2021. (SCI一区) [J3] C. Feng, K. Yu; A. Bashir, Y. Al-Otaibi, Y. Lu, S. Chen, D. Zhang, “Efficient and Secure Data Sharing for 5G Flying Drones: A Blockchain-Enabled Approach,” IEEE Networks, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 130-137, 2021. (SCI一区) [J4] P. Cai, X. Luo, H. Cai, S. Chen, “Downlink Channel Tracking for Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Aided FDD MIMO Systems,”, Accepted, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. (SCI二区) [J5] R . Kumar, M . Ismail, W .Zhao, M . Noori, A.R. Yadav, S .Chen, V . Singh, W . Altabey, A.I .Silik, G .Kumar, J .Kumar, A .Balodi“Damage detection of wind turbine system based on signal processing approach: a critical review,”Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy,vol.23(2),561-580,2021.(SCI三区) [J6] S. Chen, L. Zhang, Y. Tang, C. Shen, R. Kumar, K. Yu, U. Tariq, A. Bashir, “Indoor Temperature Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks: A SMAC Application In Smart Cities,” Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 61, 102333, 2020. (SCI二区) [J7] S. Liu, S. Chen, C. Shen, M. Ismail, R. Kumar, “Improved Low-Resolution Quantized SIMO Estimation via Deep Learning,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Vol. 9(3), pp. 1331-1335, 2020. (SCI二区) [J8] S. Chen, L. Zhang, C. Shen, K. Yu, S. Myint and Z. Wen, “On Scheduling Policies With Heavy-Tailed Dynamics in Wireless Queueing Systems,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 32137-32149, 2020. (SCI二区) [J9] S. Chen, J. Wang, L. Zhang, K. Yu, “When Internet of Things Meets E-Health: An Indoor Temperature Monitoring and Control Approach,”, IEEE Internet of Things Magazine. [J10] S. Chen, P. Sinha and N. Shroff, “Heterogeneous Delay Tolerant Task Scheduling and Energy Management in the Smart Grid with Renewable Energy,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), vol. 31 (7), pp. 1258-1267. (SCI一区) [J11] S. Chen, P. Sinha and N. Shroff, “A Simple Asymptotically Optimal Joint Energy Allocation and Routing Scheme in Rechargeable Sensor Networks,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 22 (4), pp. 1325-1336. (SCI二区) [J12] S. Chen, W. Chen, W. Huang, L. Zhai and X. Liu, “A Cross-layer Approach to Enable Multipacket Transmission in MIMO-SDMA Based WLAN,” Journal of Zhejiang University, vol. 10, pp. 271-278, 2009. (SCI四区) [J13] 陈盛博, 陈巍, 刘序明, “基于MIMO技术的无线局域网跨层协议设计,” 北京航空航天大学学报, pp. 762-765, 2009. [J14] Y. Rao, S. Chen, “Optimal Scheduling Method in MIMO WLAN with Distributed Coordination Function.” Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2010. (SCI四区) [C1] S. Chen, Y. Sun, L. Huang, P. Sinha, G. Liang, X. Liu, N. Shroff, “When Queueing Meets Coding: Optimal-Latency Data Retrieving Scheme in Storage Clouds,” In Proceeding of IEEE INFOCOM, pp. 1042-1050, 2013. (CCF A) [C2] S. Chen, P. Sinha, N. Shroff and C. Joo, “A Simple Asymptotically Optimal Energy Allocation and Routing Scheme in Rechargeable Sensor Networks,” in Proceeding of IEEE INFOCOM, pp. 379-387, Orlando, 2012. (CCF A) [C3] S. Chen, P. Sinha, N. Shroff and C. Joo, “Finite-Horizon Energy Allocation and Routing Scheme in Rechargeable Sensor Networks,” in Proceeding of IEEE INFOCOM, pp. 2273-2281, Shanghai, 2011. (CCF A) [C4] S. Chen, P. Sinha and N. Shroff, “Scheduling Heterogeneous Delay Tolerant Tasks in Smart Grid with Renewable Energy,” in Proceeding of IEEE CDC, pp. 1130-1135, 2012. [C5] S. Chen, P. Sinha and N. Shroff, “Life-Add: Lifetime Adjustable Design for WiFi Networks with Heterogeneous Energy Supplies,” in Proceeding of 2013 11th International Symposium and Workshops on Modeling and Optimization, 2013. [Best Paper Award] [C6] S. Chen, P. Sinha and N. Shroff, “Energy Trading in the Smart Grid: From End-User's Perspective,” in Proceeding of Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2013. (Invited paper) [C7] C. Shen, S. Chen, “A Cyber-Physical Design for Indoor Temperature Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks,” in Proceeding of 2017 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), pp. 1-6, 2012. [C8] C .Shen, S .Chen ,“Federated Learning with Heterogeneous Quantization,”2020 IEEE/ACM Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC), pp.405-409, 2020. [C9] H. Wu, C. Shen and S. Chen, “On Scheduling Policies in the Presence of Heavy-Tailed Interference,” 2017 Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA), pp. 1-7, San Diego, CA, 2017. |