2016年9月17-18日,大连海事大学杨婷婷博士访问我院车联网协同技术实验室,就车联网、船联网及智慧港口领域的合作进行了深入交流。17日,车联网实验室全体成员在曾宪梓楼欢迎杨博士来访,周毅博士代表实验室介绍了车联网协同技术团队的研究概况及相关成果,并向杨博士现场展示了车联网示范平台的运行情况;18日,杨婷婷博士在曾宪梓楼报告厅作了专题学术报告“Maritime Cyber Physical Systems: Extend Wideband and Intelligent Transportation Services from the Land to the Ocean”,报告重点阐释了海事通信网络的CPS模型分析、SDN雾计算、异构平台构建等关键创新问题,车联网实验室成员与杨博士展开了激烈讨论,深入挖掘“空地一体化协同网络平台”建设中的潜在合作领域,并在车联网技术相关的具体研究点上达成共识。
杨婷婷简介:Tingting Yang received the B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Dalian Maritime University, China, in 2004 and 2010, respectively. She is currently an associate professor at Navigation College of Dalian Maritime University, China. Since September 2012, she has been a visiting scholar at the Broadband Communications Research (BBCR) Lab at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada. Her research interests are in the areas of maritime wideband communication networks, DTN networks, Green wireless communication, Cognitive radio. She serves as the associate Editor-in-Chief of the IET Communications, as well as the advisory editor for SpringerPlus. She also serves as the workshop chair of FCST'15, and a TPC Member for IEEE ICC'14 & ICC'15 & ICC'16 Conference, IEEE SmartGridComm'14 Symposium and IEEE ScalCom'14 Conference as well.